Cookie Policy

Welcome to We understand the importance of your privacy, and in line with our commitment to ensuring transparency, we’ve outlined our Cookie Policy below. This policy explains how and why we use cookies and similar technologies to improve your experience on our website.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer, smartphone, or other device when you visit a website. They help websites to remember your preferences, understand user behavior, and provide personalized content and advertisements.

How We Use Cookies

At, we use cookies to:

  • Enhance User Experience: Cookies enable us to tailor our content and layout based on your past visits and preferences.
  • Analyze Web Traffic: We utilize cookies to understand user behavior and traffic patterns, which helps us improve the structure and content of our site.
  • Personalize Content: Cookies assist us in delivering content and ads that may be of interest to you.
  • Manage Registrations: If you have an account with us, cookies ensure you remain logged in and verify your credentials.

Types of Cookies We Use

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are essential for the website to function properly. Certain features like log-in or shopping cart functionalities would not work without them.
  • Performance Cookies: These cookies collect data about how our visitors use the site, helping us enhance its performance.
  • Functionality Cookies: Remember your preferences, ensuring a more personalized browsing experience.
  • Advertising Cookies: These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant ads.

Third-Party Cookies might include content from third-party websites. These sites may use cookies, and although we strive to integrate reputable sources, we don’t have control over their cookies. Thus, we recommend reviewing their respective cookie policies.

Changes to This Cookie Policy

We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time. When we do, we will revise the “Last updated” date at the beginning of this policy.

Questions & Concerns

If you have any queries about our Cookie Policy or cookies-related practices, please contact our support team at the Contact Us page.

Thank you for visiting We value your trust and aim to ensure a secure, transparent, and delightful experience for all our users.